Area of works
The new bridge is to be located immediately to the west of the existing bridge over Mulgum Creek as shown on the attached plan. New road approaches will be constructed and will affect the northern end of Cullen Street and adjoining open space to the south-west of the existing bridge, in addition to Council property to the north-west of the existing bridge.
Reason for works
Replacement ofthe existing bridge is required as it is no longer economic to repair and does not meet current design standards. The new bridge will be of two-lane width and include a separate shared pedestrian and cyclist pathway. Works are to be jointly funded by the Council and RTA under the Timber Bridge Replacement Program.
Type of works
The proposal includes the following components:
. Bridge replacement. The new bridge will be constructed immediately alongside and to the west ofthe existing bridge; The new bridge will be largely a concrete structure approximately 42m in length and 12m in width. Rock will be placed under each end of the bridge to protect the creek bank from scour during high flows.
. Road construction. New foad approaches will be constructed at each end of the new bridge to match into Cullen Street and Blue Knob Road respectively. To the south-west of the new bridge, the new road approach will require changes to line marking and relocation of the footpath in Cullen Street. To the north-east, a new intersection will be constructed for the entry to the 'Bush Theatre' site.
. Vegetation management. Removal of vegetation within the construction footprint is required. This will include removal of a small number of Camphor Laurels on the southern and She-Oaks on the northern creek bank. Disturbed areas adjacent to the new bridge and road approaches will be re-grassed at the completion of works.
. Earthworks. Filling is required to form the new bridge approaches and a platform of clean rock temporarily constructed in Mulgum Creek to install new piers to support the bridge. Erosion and sediment control measures will be in place to maintain water quality in Mulgum Creek.
. Closure of open space. The public open space to the south-west of the existing bridge will be closed during works as this area will be part of the construction site.
. Existing services. Services such as electrical, telecommunications and water will be managed during works and will be relocated under the new bridge as required.
. Removal of old bridge. Upon construction of the new bridge, the existing bridge will be removed.
. Traffic management. Traffic control will be in place during the consstruction period to manage traffic and work place risks and minimise traffic delays. this may include temporary lane closures and driveway access restrictions in consultation with affected landowners.
Scheduling of works
Bridge replacement works are to be undertaken in the 2009-2010 financial year and are expected to take approximately six months to complete under ideal conditions, including dry weather. Upon determining the construction schedule, you will be notified by Council prior to commencement of works. The replacement of Cullen Bridge is programmed to occur in conjunction with the replacement of Southwell Bridge is programmed to occur in conjunction with the replacment of Southwell Bridge approximately 0.75km to the north on Blue Knob Road.
Assessment of works
Council is undertaking an environmental assessment as part of finalising planning for this proposal. This assessment is to identify and address likely environmental, social and economic impacts associated with the works.
To assist Council in preparing this assessment, you are invited to comment on; the proposal, any potential impacts within the locality or any other information which may be relevant, no later than August 10 2009.
A copy of the preliminary design plans showing construction details are available for viewing upon request at the Nimbin Vistor Centre, 80 Cullen Street, Nimbin, and Councils Corporate Centre, 43 Oliver Avenue, Goonellabah until this date.
Further information
Should you have any general enquiries regarding this matter, please contact Councils Design Engineer, Mr Barry Goodwin. 1300 87 83 87