Hemp Embassy :: Forum



Vapourised from a vaporizer?

The Embassy shop has been unable to find durable herbal vaporisers within Australia. (Some parts were too easily damaged.) If we import herbal vaporisers in quantity the duty is prohibitive.
We are currently advising people to buy their herbal vaporisers individually over the internet, as duty is not normally levied on individual items, and it is cheaper than buying a commercially imported item in a shop.
You may need to do some internet research to find a GOOD DURABLE brand. If a durable local model comes to our attention, we will stock them.
Police in Nimbin are cracking down on the sale of bongs (water pipes) and it appears they will no longer countenance the sale or supply of bongs here and are enforcing the letter of the law.


Annual Cannabis Law Reform Rally & Gathering;
Nimbin MardiGrass